Monthly Archives: September 2014

Welcome to Uni – Register now – don’t wait until you need us!

A warm welcome for all our team to those of you starting your course at The University of Northampton as well as to those of you returning for your next year of study.

We are delighted to provide GP medical services to students studying at Park Campus and we have a dedicated practice on site.

Don’t wait until you need to see a doctor or nurse – Register now! We are not just here to help you when you are unwell, we are also here to help you stay healthy and offer a wide range of services to help you do so, details of which can be found on this website.

Registering now means that we will already have all of your medical information in case you need to come to see us and you will know how to access our services.  Registering now is particularly important if you have an ongoing medical condition such as diabetes or asthma, or if you require regular medications.

If you are starting your studies in the UK but have come from overseas, you can find more information about the UK health system here.